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Use of this website is subject to the laws of Lithuania. Any dispute which may arise between the parties concerning the information contained within this website shall be determined by the Lithuanian Courts and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Lithuanian Courts for such purposes.

The information and any commentary contained on the web site is provided free of charge for information purposes only. Whilst every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the information and commentary are accurate and up to date, no responsibility for its accuracy and correctness, or for any consequences of relying on it, is assumed by Kerinta UAB. The information and commentary does not, and is not intended to, amount to advice to any person on a specific matter. Any reliance you may place on the information contained on this site is entirely at your own risk and you agree that you have no right of recourse against Kerinta UAB.

Company Information:
Registered head office:

UAB Kerinta
Laisvės pr. 60-1107, LT-05120 Vilnius, Lithuania
European Union
Registered in Lithuania
Registration number: 303067007
VAT number: LT100007813014
Representative person: Mečius Gudavičius
Phone number: +37064791895

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